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Sometimes making a baby is not a straight forward process.
Especially after cancer treatment.
Frankie James Huijs
A catheter was inserted and I was wheeled into the little room that comes before the actual operating room. Despite being in these rooms...
It's Just Too Early
We went to dinner at Brett’s house. Seven of us sat around, chatted and ate. I talked pregnancy and birth with the girls and verbalised...
Hospital in the Home
Today was my third day of midwives visiting me at home. It's a pretty incredible service really. A midwife arrives with a suitcase full...
Inflammation Markers On The Rise
In simple terms, if I show signs of an infection, they will take baby out. So measuring my white blood cells and CRP markers is...
2/9/21 On the Wednesday, after a couple of nights in hospital, my phone rang with a 'No Caller ID' number identified. I've come to know...
Let's Not Be Another Statistic
When I lived in London, I worked with a Scottish bloke. He was from a rough part of the country and was drunk most of the time I knew...
Broken Waters
On Monday night, as I lay in the dark of my hospital room, I felt fluid begin to leak in trickles from my vagina. Between 9 and 11pm, I...
The 2nd Hospital Visit of this 9 Hour Period.
I arrived back at the Maternity Assessment Clinic thankful that there had been a staff change and that I wasn't staring at the face of...
From High Tea to Hospital
Hospitals are dark at night. Dark and quiet and empty. But when you know the place like the back of your hand, they're kind of nice. Like...
24 Week Scan
At 24 weeks, a baby is considered 'viable'. What a horrible adjective. All that means is that, once you reach this milestone, if born...
A Cancer Checkup at 23 Weeks
I walked into the room to be greeted with, "Hello Mama." My Brazilian surgeon sat there with a smile. Almost immediately I started crying...
Bed Rest Week 1
Turns out bed rest is hard. Despite having visitors and despite the Olympics being on for entertainment, bed rest is hard. Not only does...
Team Loz Rallies, Yet Again
As news spread of my forced bed rest, Team Loz rallied. Formed during my cancer treatment in 2018, Team Loz were the unofficial support...
Spotting Leads to Bed Rest
Sunday started wonderfully as most Sundays these days tend too. We slept until 7am, Chris walked Nuptse and then we took our weekly bump...
18 Weeks and Waiting
I don't really feel pregnant at the moment. My energy is well and truly back. My nausea, for the most part, is gone. The stretching pains...
16 Week Scan
This scan was a bonus. At my 13 week scan, they had said "see you at 20 weeks" to which I replied, "Absolutely not." Well, that's what I...
Rollercoaster Day Part 1
26/04/21 I headed in to the all too familiar room of my fertility doctor who I now refer to lovingly as Swifty Swift. This time Chris was...
Rollercoaster Day Part 2
I stared at the toilet paper with the blood on it and immediately yelled for Chris. "I'm bleeding." We both assumed the worst. Chris ran...
Baby Likes Heights
I was six weeks pregnant as we set off on a climbing/camping trip. On this trip I abseiled for the very first time (30 metres) and...
Two Pink Lines
Between the two of us, the doctor and I tried to piece things together. How had this happened? We threw dates around but at the end of it...
Could It Be?
Everyone around me was pregnant. Or so it seemed. One of my closest friends was approaching the 12 week mark and another had just seen...
A Failed Embryo Transfer
We had waited a long time for this. An embryo transfer before chemotherapy. Another one this past month. Heck, we did chemotherapy...
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