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Whole Fruit Margarita

Tequila, tequila, tequila! There was a large portion of my early twenties where I couldn't even type the word tequila without having flashbacks to a big night in London where we decided drinking a mixture of canned cider and shots of tequila would be great idea. Long story wasn't. Now that I'm older and wiser, I can happily say that I appreciate tequila for the glorious beast it is and maybe, just maybe, it could be my favourite spirit? Now, if you're looking for a healthy cocktail recipe stop right here, do a U-turn and don't look back. Go pour yourself a nip of Jose Cuervo and sip that beauty straight. If however you're looking for a sugar high that will have you convinced you look spectacular in a have found the drink for you!


60mL water

180mL tequila

60mL Cointreau*

1 orange, peeled, halved and deseeded

1 lemon, peeled, halved and deseeded

1 lime, peeled

75g white sugar

6 handfuls of ice cubes

Lime slices to serve


Put all of the ingredients into the Vitamin container in the order listed and secure the lid. Select the puree program. Switch the machine to start and allow it to complete the programmed cycle. Taste and, if you're like me and prefer your drinks and little stronger, add an extra dash of tequila before pulsing the blender to mix through. Rub an orange or lime around the rims of your margarita glasses and dip in sugar or salt. Pour margaritas into glasses and decorate with lime slices.

Makes 1.4L

Note: If you don't have a Vitamix (this recipe is adapted from a Vitamix recipe), any high-powered blender should do the trick.

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