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Seed Crackers

You know how in my last post I said that if you decided to go carb-free I'd be there for you because "we've all been there"? Well, more specifically, I've been there. Last year, a friend gave me a copy of Tim Noakes' book, The Real Meal Revolution. It's a high-fat, low-carbohydrate diet known affectionately as banting. I'm talking really low carb. Like, even cutting out particularly starchy vegetables and limiting fruits so your total carbohydrate intake is about 25g/day. On the plus side, there is cheese and full fat cream aplenty.

Many of the recommended dishes include fatty meats as a way of making you hate the world a little less while you cut out carbs. Unfortunately for me, the meat was not an option. I soldiered on however and I after a week I felt great. The high-fat content of the diet was doing exactly as it said it would. It was keeping me full. I had lots of energy and was definitely less bloated. However, designing meals around a list of approved ingredients became tiresome. Especially because Chris couldn't care less about cutting out carbs and therefore was still devouring bread and pasta in my presence. I think I forgot momentarily about his genuine love of carbs on carbs on carbs. (You can read more about that here.)

I gave up on banting after about three weeks but some of the recipes stuck. This was one of them. I typically ate them slathered in cream cheese (high fat) and tomato (low carb).


200g sunflower seeds (cups>>>)

100g sesame seeds

60g flax seeds

1 tsp salt

2 tbsp psyllium husks

500mL water


Preheat oven to 160°C and line two large baking trays with baking paper. In a large bowl, combine all ingredients, mix then leave to stand until mixture is thick and pliable (about 10 minutes). Spread the mixture onto baking trays as thinly as possible. Once spread, the mix should have no holes in it. Bake for approximately 1 hour or until crispy. If sides crisp faster than the middles, snap off the crispy outside edges and return the middle section to the oven until completely crisp. Remove from the oven and leave to cool. Once cool, break into cracker size and store in an airtight container.

Recipe adapted from The Real Meal Revolution by Tim Noakes.

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