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Bed Rest Week 1

Turns out bed rest is hard. Despite having visitors and despite the Olympics being on for entertainment, bed rest is hard. Not only does my body feel crappy from not moving, laying around all day means I have lots of time to think and lots of time to tune in to all of the aches and twinges that seem to accompany pregnancy.

Every ache that I would normally put down to a growing baby has me freaking out that things are about to go terribly wrong. That at any moment I'm going to go into early labour and have an emergency c-section of a 23 week baby.

They tell you to come back to the hospital if you feel 'tightening' but for someone who has never been pregnant before, what exactly does tightening feel like? They tell you to come back if you have 'fluid loss'. But I'm putting progesterone pessaries into my vagina every night so when I feel something leaking out of me, I have no idea if it's progesterone, regular pregnancy discharge or amniotic fluid.

And so, I cuddle the dog, cuddle Chris and watch the Olympics all the while crossing my fingers that this baby stays put.


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