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From High Tea to Hospital

Hospitals are dark at night. Dark and quiet and empty. But when you know the place like the back of your hand, they're kind of nice. Like you have special privileges to be there. If only the circumstances were better.

I'd had a lovely day out. Dolled myself up and went to celebrate a gorgeous friend and her own gorgeous growing bump. Everything was great. Until about 11:30pm when I woke up to a pretty constant feeling of leaking coming from my vagina. I could tell immediately it was different to every other day. After a few trips back and forth to the bathroom, Chris got up, we jumped in the car and headed to the hospital.

The Maternity Assessment Centre welcomed us once again and after being triaged I was brought through to a bed. Where we waited and waited and waited. Turns out there were many babies being born via c-section. Eventually a doctor arrived and did a speculum exam. The pH test he performed was negative for amniotic fluid so he went with thrush. He told me it 'looked a bit like thrush' and, because the tests would take a few days, prescribed pessaries and sent me on my way.

At 4am I sat in the dark outside the hospital while Chris went to get the car. We got home and sleep didn't come for what seemed like forever. I was still leaking. It was heavier. It was back to hospital we went.


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