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Inflammation Markers On The Rise

In simple terms, if I show signs of an infection, they will take baby out. So measuring my white blood cells and CRP markers is essential. Today the midwife took my blood and both markers had increased. White blood cells were up to 12.2 (anything over 11 is considered high) and CRP was up from 1.5 to 2.6 (still within normal range but trending up).

The text message telling me these results was reassuring, on a second read through. But on the first read, all I saw was that those numbers were up and, in my head, baby was going to be taken out sooner rather than later. I cried a lot. Despite the logic that baby was now 28 weeks and had a really good shot, it just felt much too early. And when I felt so well in myself, it was hard to hear that my blood work wasn't supporting that fact.

I had a shower and took a photo of my bump. I told Chris it didn't feel too much bigger than the last time I'd taken the same shot. However, as I sat the photos side-by-side I couldn't help but notice that, actually, my bump was growing beautifully. And I was so proud of my body for getting me and baby safely to this point.


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